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Burns Adult Senior Cat Sensitive Grain-Free Duck Potato is a grain-free, hypoallergenic cat food suitable for adult and senior cats with sensitive skin and digestion. Made from highly digestible ingredients, including duck and potato, for a nutrient-rich diet that is grain and gluten-free. The recipe of this Burns Adult Senior Cat Sensitive Grain-Free Duck Potato contains natural, novel ingredients which help to avoid common food allergens such as beef and dairy. It contains all 11 essential amino acids required for cats to help maintain a healthy body inside and out, including taurine for healthy vision and heart. Burns Adult Senior Cat Sensitive Grain-Free Duck Potato at a glance: Complete dry food for adult and senior cats Grain-, gluten- and dairy-free Rich in animal proteins: with delicious duck, a premium source of protein that is unlikely to cause allergic reactions, rich in iron and easy to digest With potato: easily digestible carbohydrate Contains nutrient-rich buckwheat Hypoallergenic: ideal for cats with sensitive digestion Contains all 11 essential amino acids: helps promote your cat's health and general wellbeing Source of vitamins and minerals: with seaweed to keep teeth and coat healthy With taurine: promotes healthy eyes and heart Free from: grains, wheat, beef and diary

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