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Briantos Adult Salmon Rice dry dog food at a glance: Skin Fur: rich in essential omega-3 -6 fatty acids from salmon and easily absorbed zinc chelates (organic zinc compounds) to help support skin and fur Easy to digest: the special preparation process ensures high nutrient breakdown. The carefully selected raw ingredients include high-quality salmon protein for greater digestibility Vitality: the essential fatty acids and added organic zinc compounds help to support body defences and vitality Very tasty: the balanced recipe with delicate, amino-acid-rich salmon is well accepted and provides your pet with vital nutrients Protein to fat ratio: the protein to fat ratio of 21.5% - 11% can help your dog to maintain its ideal weight, which helps to protect joints and bones. Optimal intestinal flora: the balanced mix of fibres can help to keep your dog’s gut flora working well and can support a balanced digestion and well-formed stool. No additives: free from wheat, soya, artificial colours, aromas and preservatives Made in Germany Briantos Adult Salmon Rice has been developed by experienced nutritional experts using the latest scientific knowledge. It contains essential vitamins and nutrients. The balanced, highly-digestible recipe is made with delicate salmon and digestible rice. Briantos Adult Salmon Rice contains selected ingredients that can support good digestion and contribute to balanced canine nutrition. This makes Briantos Adult Salmon Rice particularly delicious and ideal for fussy dogs. Briantos Adult Salmon Rice is a high-quality kibble for adult dogs of all breeds and sizes, contributing to a balanced canine nutrition. The selected ingredients and raw components of this Briantos Adult Salmon Rice are prepared using a gentle production method, ensuring high-quality, delicious dry food that is easy for your dog to digest. The special manufacturing method helps retain vital natural vitamins and essential fatty acids. The Briantos Adult Salmon Rice provides your dog with key nutrients and provides excellent value for money. Briantos Adult Salmon Rice is made to strict German quality standards, ensuring the best possible diet for your dog. Briantos Adult Salmon Rice is a complete dry food for adult dogs and is available different sizes.

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