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Briantos Senior Grain Free Turkey Potato at a glance: Complete food for older dogs of all breeds Rich in high quality protein: valuable turkey protein, with potato and sweet potato as carbohydrate sources With glucosamine chondroitin: important building blocks for joints, ideal for senior dogs Grain-free recipe: to ensure proper digestion, well suited to dogs with grain intolerance and allergies Great taste: great for fussy dogs Semi-moist kibble: 18% moisture content Made in Germany: using select ingredients under constant quality control Briantos dog nutrition is synonymous with reliability and quality. It provides your dog with everything they need, and nothing they don't, with grain-free recipes paying homage to their descendancy from wolves. The semi-moist kibble is very popular with dogs, and can win over even the fussiest of eaters. The consistent quality of this dog food is guaranteed through regular quality control during the manufacturing process in Germany. Available in 1kg, 4kg (4 x 1kg), 12kg, and 2 x 12kg.

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