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Collards Grain Free Adult Wet Dog Food With Turkey Proudly made in the UK in collaboration with high quality ingredients, Collards Hypoallergenic Grain Free Adult Wet Dog Food Can with Turkey is a complete, balanced foods suitable for all dog breeds. Highly digestible, this wet dog food is gentle on tummies. Collards Hypoallergenic Grain Free Adult Wet Dog Food Can with Turkey contains at least 50% turkey as a single protein source, as well as essential nutrients from quality meat and vegetable sources, and is free from wheat, gluten, and dairy. Crafted with a careful balance of potato and natural plant fibres, Collards Hypoallergenic Grain Free Adult Wet Dog Food Can with Turkey is a great source of carbohydrates to promote optimum energy and a healthy digestive system. The recipes contain Omega-3 and Omega- 6 oils to help keep your dog’s skin and coat looking healthy, plus all the vitamins and minerals they need with a complete blend of vitamin A, D, E and B complex to aid a healthy immune system, strong bones, and teeth. Collards Hypoallergenic Grain Free Adult Wet Dog Food Can with Turkey can be fed alone as complete meal, or as part of a mixed feeding diet with a crunchy Collards kibble.

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