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Eukanuba Grain Free Small Medium Breed Adult - Lamb is a grain-free dry food that has been specially developed for small and medium breed dogs. It contains plenty of fresh lamb meat, which not only tastes delicious but also provides high-quality protein. This food contains sweet potato as a gluten-free source of carbohydrates and fibre, which are easy to digest. It also contains beet pulp and prebiotics, to help support healthy digestion. This Eukanuba Grain Free Small Medium Breed Adult - Lamb is a source of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, which can help to keep skin smooth and coat glossy. it provides essential antioxidants, which help to support the body's immune system. This dry food also has a tailored calcium content, which can help to maintain healthy bones. The specially-formed kibble offers a DentaDefense dental care system, which can support dental hygiene. Eukanuba Grain Free Small Medium Breed Adult - Lamb provides your dog with balanced nutrition made with high-quality ingredients, to help boost vitality and offer your dog the very best! Eukanuba Grain Free Small Medium Breed Adult - Lamb at a glance: Complete dry food for small and medium breed dogs Grain-free recipe: suitable for sensitive dogs or those with allergies With plenty of fresh lamb: provides high-quality protein and an irresistible flavour Gluten-free carbohydrates: thanks to sweet potato, which also provides key fibre Supports digestion: contains beet pulp and prebiotics Source of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids: promotes smooth skin and glossy coat With antioxidants: to support the body's immune system strength Tailored calcium content: essential for maintaining healthy bones Special kibble shape: ideally tailored to the jaws of small and medium breed dogs DentaDefense dental care system: to support dental hygiene

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