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Greenwoods Veggie with Quinoa, Pumpkin, Lupin Lingonberries at a glance 100% vegan Top quality protein from quinoa, peas, lentil and lupin What's on the tin is in the tin, nothing more, nothing less Grain-free recipe Complete wet food for adult dogs Made in Germany Going green is delightfully delicious with Greenwoods 100% vegan wet dog food. This tasty, grain-free recipe is full of high-quality ingredients including nutrient-packed quinoa, rich-tasting pumpkin, tasty lupin and luscious lingonberries – and much more. Your four-legged friend will love this complete wet food, with plenty of nutrients, plenty of flavour, and, yes, plenty of protein! So what’s missing? There are no animal products, fillers, or artificial additives. So, if you're looking for a fantastic vegan dog food, that doesn't compromise on anything - give them Greenwoods – it’s simply great. Vegantastic complete wet dog food is available in standard pack size: 6 x 375g and also as 12 x 375g or 24 x 375g saver packs.

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