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Scrumbles Adult Senior Chicken Dry Dog Food has been specially created as a delicious, gluten-free meal for both adult and senior dogs. The recipe is rich in free-run chicken and is made within the UK and Ireland to help reduce the impact this food has on the planet. Scrumbles Adult Senior Chicken Dry Dog Food is made with all-natural ingredients, which have been chosen for the positive impact they can have on your dog's digestive health. This tasty kibble also contains probiotics, which can help to support healthy digestion and keep the immune system strong. All of these factors ensure this flavoursome dish is perfect for dogs with sensitive stomachs, as Scrumbles Adult Senior Chicken Dry Dog Food is free from common allergens that can have adverse effects on your dog's health. The recipe is free from artificial additives, as well as containing no added sugar or salt - just healthy, hearty, natural ingredients! With Scrumbles Adult Senior Chicken Dry Dog Food you can be sure that your dog is receiving the very best, as it has been taste-test approved by our beloved family pets, Boo and Smudge! Scrumbles Adult Senior Chicken Dry Dog Food at a glance: Complete dry food for adult and senior dogs Gluten-free: gentler on a sensitive stomach Naturally hypoallergenic: free from known common allergens, making it perfect for dogs with intolerances or sensitivities Digestive health: focuses on caring for your dog's gut, with natural ingredients and added probiotics Balanced care: with selected ingredients chosen for health benefits both inside and out Rich in protein: with a tasty combination of fresh and dehydrated human-grade chicken to provide essential animal protein Environmentally-conscious: made using natural ingredients and with recyclable packaging, by a Certified B Corporation Proudly made in the UK and Ireland Free from artificial additives, sugars and salt

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