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animonda vom Feinsten Adult Grain-Free dog food for adult dogs in practical portioned trays made with carefully selected, high quality varieties of meat. The recipe contains neither grains nor soya, since these ingredients often trigger allergies and intolerances. Thus this food is ideal for dogs with dietary sensitivities. animonda vom Feinsten Adult dog food provides your dog with exactly what it needs: high quality animal proteins that are easy to process and digest. No artificial colourants or preservatives are used in the production of animonda vom Feinsten Adult dog food. animonda vom Feinsten Adult Grain-Free at a glance: Complete food for adult dogs Even suitable for dogs with food sensitivities and allergies No grain or soya: for easy digestibility and high acceptance Only meat: provides high quality animal proteins and highly digestible Balanced and holistic No artificial additives or preservatives

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